Spirituality and Faith Traditions, Banding Together to Promote Lasting Peace Through Love.
Boston is very dear to me. I graduated from Boston University and lived and worked in many parts of the city including Copley Square, not far from where the recent bombings occurred. It is a jewel of a city with a proud history, and for me a place of wonder and discovery, with its’ many colleges, universities, museums, and diversity of faiths and cultures. I felt so many emotions when I heard the terrible news - compassion, sadness, anger, and also pride in this proud and tenacious city. As all eyes were on Boston, we saw the transformative power of love in action through the heroic efforts of its' citizens. They immediately ran to help and protect others, tending to their needs and forgetting about their own. The people of Boston have reminded us of the capacity of love to overcome hatred and evil.
"Love is the core energy that rules everything ... love is the one ingredient that holds us all together."
John E. Fetzer
John Fetzer, a broadcasting executive and former owner of the Detroit Tigers, believed that love and forgiveness are powerful forces that can transform the human condition. To that end, he founded the Fetzer Institute in 1962, whose mission is to "foster awareness of the power of love and forgiveness in the emerging global community". A recent project of the Institute involved a meeting of the minds between a team of John Hopkins physicians and a Burmese relief group. They focused on how to best provide positive care and support to build resiliency in dealing with the worst natural disaster in Burma's history. It killed hundreds of thousands of people.
The Golden Rule is present in just about every religion of the world. Treating others as we would like to be treated involves love, peace, forgiveness and reconciliation. It is a vital tool in fostering cross-cultural and religious understanding. United Religions Initiative is dedicated to promoting peace and justice by engaging people in overcoming their religious and cultural differences. One of the ways they achieve this, is through Cooperation Circles, groups of people who share a common vision: "that our religious and spiritual lives, rather than divide us, can guide us to build community and respect for one another".
Spirituality and Faith Traditions, Banding Together to Promote Lasting Peace Through Love.